No One Knows What Goes On Behind Closed Doors!

Though mine and my brother's parents required us to speak truthly when either of us gave them a report.

Our biological father required us to lie for him when ever he received a phone call or visit that he did not want to be bothered with...

Monday, November 18, 2013

Not All Know How To Love Each Other That They Be Not Blue But Wear Blue Instead...

Greetings Dawlins of ours!!!

We all know some whom we love but whose life example we are shamed for their behavior and attitudes are shameful.

We need not allow their behavior nor their choices hover over us and steal HIS joy from me or from you...

The sun of the Son shall shine forever more through anything that makes me or you blue...For when we have HIM & HE has me & you...

There is absolutely not a thing we must do alone.....we need not be strong...
But let HIM who is in you and in me...who longs to free of from all bondage and pain...

It is always better to live in one's own tent and eat vegtables than to live in mansions where their is hate, jealousy, or un-forgiveness.

HE yearns to take upon HIS own shoulders all that weighs any and all of you, me, and my Puddin Head Precious William...

But HE is a gentleman who will never force HIS will our desire upon us...
We must reach out to HIM ask in trust and actually give our sorrows, fears....our joys and laughter too...
To HIM...

As St Francis says:  Cast your care upon HIM for HE cares for me and you...

So you and we need not fear but remain free indeed in, with & though HIM the only friend who is forever Faithful and never makes mistakes...

 HE knew long before now that this too would come....
And this too shall pass...

And at last...HE will raise us onto HIS Holy Wings of fire and with great love 
HE shall carry us above and upon these clouds of our circumstance...

It is never up to us do do anything but obey and and follow....
We are called to be believers not achievers...

Obedient followers of HIS leadership...
Not the leaders less we shall slip...

Fall and go down into pits laid as traps for us....or even traps and prisons of our own making.

We must however invite others to join us in following the only Good Shepherd who is Jesus Christ the only begotten son of the only Living God.

And it is the very fact that we are not required to find our own way...
But follow HIM who is the way, the Truth and the Light and Life
That gives us freedom...from responsibility to fix things...

But trust HIM....believe HIM to make the way where there seems to be know way.

For whoever & whatever foils our plans....happens so that HIS commands have the opportunity to trample the enemy again and again Amen!

I am still washing everything by hand and packing our van with most all of our belongings....except for our mattress so that if the evil one continues to illegally enter there will be nothing of value for them to steal....
Not that we worry about things
But rather the fact things have been stolen we cannot leave papers with personal information whether medical, social Security....whatever.

Preparing to embrace tent camping still again on November 30, 2013.  Would be a blessing if someone would donate their camping trailer or RV to a Vietnam Veteran suffering Agent Orange disease and his wife that they can be more comfortable.

William needs help in the bathroom, dressing etc....not because of the tumor which is improved...but the hernia which he would not have had he allowed me to do our lifting and carrying on Art Stroll Day October 5, 2013.

He is not one to sit back and let others do all things for him.

Each of you....each of you are so so precious....precious... precious!

Whether you are among the few here in the United States who have chosen to receive our hearts within yours...or if you are among  the many in different parts of Europe, Asia, India and Africa...or upon islands and anywhere around this earth who have loved us for years over the Internet !!

Love & Blessings to you!

Lets never get discouraged but instead encourage one another...our sisters and brothers...
Let us never compete with our friend, sister or brother...
But instead seek to assist our friend along his our her journey...

Making our own journeys a shared journey...
For it is not about getting to a finish line first...

But making certain that we go through the narrow gates with care together that not one trips without being lifted up and carried upon our shoulders...

For we are to be imitators of HIM Jesus Christ.

We are not to be seeking to be the first to finish...but to bring with us many souls along with us who also cross the finish line safely & securely through the narrow gate to salvation in heaven forever together forever.

Let not one be lost....imitate HIM HE already paid the cost that you and I need not be the best...but the last to cross the finish line after making certain that each one whom HE has given us...placed on our path needy of friendship, love, compassion or any good physical or spiritual thing...

Sing Sing Sing....New songs of joy & thanksgiving and all living will therefore be full filling our hearts and HIS plans for all to eternity.

We need not follow the example of one who refuses to forgive the dead who cannot change that which they did wrong so long ago.

We do not need to adopt the life style of a father or mother who has not chosen God's best...
We need not give them access to us and allow them to further abuse us either...we do need them with our sincere prayers that God lead them to Himself.

Amen Amen Amen....dear friends!


All mail sent to Ponchatoula is already being forwarded to Madisonville address bellow even though we are not in the park till the 30th of November and this is because our Ponchatoula PO Box expired on October 31, 2013.
Mr & Mrs William Gustavson
PO BOX 1175
Madisonville LA 70447

Sunday, July 14, 2013

We Love All Persons Including Both Or Biological & Spiritual Fathers...But Sadly At Times Their Choices We Must Not Follow Less We DIE With Them!

It is sad enough that in today's world many do not have fathers.
Either their natural fathers died when they were young, some die before their child is even born...

This happens more frequently during times of war such as these we are in today...2013.

Though sadder still is the fact that the behavioral choices of many fathers are not honorable but sinful.

While many men and women too would rather hold on to their "Constitutional" rights that they feel allow them to be self-righteous, hostile justifying their violent behavior which is always born out of the fact they swallowed the devil's lie that it is dis-honorable to go to confession for the perfect man sin's not.

While these men grapple with this their entire life times...
Sadder still is that in these last days even many spiritual fathers fail in their callings to emulate God Our Heavenly Father and do not even light Tabernacle & Altar Candles.

While some priests teach false doctrine from the pulpit of Holy Mass, other priests critique solid Catholics who receive their sacraments only in the Holy Catholic Church for attending protestant events receiving sharing in their deep honor, respect, reverence praise, worship, generosity & compassion. that is not present in most Catholic Churches...

Only a phoney baloney show is put on for the poor...they build great big St Joseph Day Altars then actually strike the hands of the poor waiting in line to eat.

Now which do you think Almighty God is totally pleased with???

And I suggest that you discern wisely before you learn the behaviors of even these fathers of Faith who we must love...but carefully choose which of their words and actions to live out & obey.

Amen Amen Amen Amen and Alleluia!

Mr & Mrs William Gustavson
PO BOX 1144
Ponchatoula, LA  70454

Thursday, July 11, 2013

Expect You MIRACLE Today & Every Day or You Might...

Only those who expect MIRACLES in every part of every lives filled with MIRACLES and far more graces & Blessings than the average person alive on earth.

We receive what we we expect.

If you or I wake up anticipating bad news...

Guess what your phone will ring all day with problems.

For everyone who knows that Johnny or Jane expects days filled with problems....
Others assume that Johnny & Jane are exactly who they are to call & visit with every single delima that not only they personally encounter...

But recommend Johnny & Jane to each person they meet and greet along every single street whether in Ponchatoula Louisiana...
Or on the coast of Madagascar, Nigeria, Malawi, Egypt, India or Yugoslavia.

Earth geography never limits God's laws of deliverance, blessing or prosperity.

Nor is God ever limited by our circumstances.

We can always accept less than God's best and settle for what others are content with....

Or we can reach out for HIS greater gifts.

Jesus said:  "Far greater things than these you shall do...
For I go to my Father at HIS right hand and anything I ask is mine anything you ask in my Name My Father & I shall do for you & through you!"

Mr & Mrs William Gustavson
PO BOX 1144
Ponchatoula, LA  70454

Tuesday, July 2, 2013

Catholics Not Only Confused About Pro-Life / Pro-Choice ...Abortion.

Once anyone has bought into the devil's lie that it is shameful to have to ever have need to apologize, or accepted any distortion as truth....

Such distortions transcend every single aspect of their every day life affecting every single persons their lives touch including those who they just see as by standers they cannot get rid of but would like to.

I recall when Abortion had become legal in the United States and I was carrying a rapists child in my womb...

My mother had her routine early morning shows on television and they were showing pictures of fetuses in the womb saying how it is only a blob of flesh & blood...justifying the new laws allowing this MURDER to be justified in the futures of us all.

My mother said:  "Too bad Abortion was not always legal we wouldn't have so many freaks in the world!"

I questioned her:  "Like me Mom?"

As always she answered quickly saying:  "Exactly right Stephanie LIKE YOU!"

I left her bedroom where I had joined her as she was getting dressed to go to her employment position at Adler's Jewelry in Lakeside Mall.

She chased me down apologetic trying to take back what she said.

However it is biblical that what comes out of a man or woman's mouth is exactly what is in their heart.

When a person says they are sorry that they said something and adds to the end of their apology:  " I didn't mean it"  They are sorry they spoke their mind & got in trouble or embarrassed by it...

But the truth remains that out of the fullness of the heart a person speaks & it is impossible for a pure heart to speak anything unkind, harsh or that is not of God.

And likewise impossible for one who rejects God who self-justifies themselves to ever pretend to be holy and pure.

Therefore start making observations of those you live among and see them for who and what they really are.

A person saying "I did not mean it"   means precisely  exactly what they said for it is written engraved into their heart.

So the same with folks who have believed and eaten the lie that by not committing to a position on an issue that they are not sinning in any direction..
Are likewise not living righteously & blameless in HIS sight.

I was wearing today a button pinned to my bright pink jacket that reads: PRAY FOR ABORTION TO END!"
 At a Graduation lunch in a New Orleans Catholic Parish the Sunday following Father's Day 2013...I was astounded the responses I received & conversation it spawned.

I expect this kind of confrontation if & wear it to the grocery store but not to Catholic Holy Mass & to a party of Catholic Families at a Catholic Church.

I was told that "Even if I personally would not abort my child, I don't have the right nor do you have right to suggest to others what they should do!"

Well is preaching & teaching the Holy Gospel suggesting to folks a better way to live???

And so this statement contradicts the entire life of a Christian for we are called to always live by the Holy Scriptures that say:  "Let the redeemed of the Lord say so!"

Let HIS life, HIS joy, HIS mercy which endures forever never cease from parting from our lips!

We are to be imitators of God who calls each by name and who speaks good things into being at all times....
We are to like God embracing all that befalls us with great FAITH...speaking hope to the hopeless and life into the dead!

I pray you see this contradiction that we all plainly see and hear all over where ever we go...

Maybe you never thought of in this perspective.

Hopefully beginning today...beginning this very moment, now that you have learned  you will discern your choices better and choosing no longer silence...

But choose to be a great saint by embracing each opportunity in daily life with exuberance sharing fearlessly your Faith with confidence!


Mr & Mrs William Gustavson
PO BOX 1144
Ponchatoula, LA  70454

Wednesday, June 26, 2013

We All Can Receive MIRACLES and Be Vessels Through Which God Grants MIRACLES to Others

Though we must not be afraid of what others will say or think,
Nor can we be controlled by other's opinions are talk of us.

We who desire to be chases down by both blessings and MIRACLES that never cease but only keep multiplying with our joyful smiles and laughter in spite of devils who seek and track us...
We must keep on keeping on singing regardless who is murmuring behind our backs.

As we heard in last Sunday's Gospel the Lord was not concerned of who what about who HE is...
And so shall we must be continuing to bless others with our smiles and songs...there will always be someone like our former next door neighbor Veronica on Alvin Callender Street when we with God were building our home...

She came outside yelling one day not able to understand how not even hers & her nephews hateful actions against us could not kill our spirits.

She came outside as I was singing new songs through joyful tears...tears that our neighbors were trying to stifle the rebuilding of our home.
What we had completed the day before our neighbors had punched holes into in the night...

But I sang new songs to the God above knowing HE who watches through the night from HIS throne up above not only saw the crimes against us in the night but had the power to restore not only that which the angry jealous locusts had stolen...

They who were filled with jealousy, anger and hate and have never been loved nor have loved themselves....
No different than the Ponchatoula local native neighbors who say out of one side of their mouth that they are going to build Ponchatoula into a thriving economic marketing business center, yet they tie up themselves in bondage that they cannot grow...

By shunning newcomers who choose to make Ponchatoula home!

No town or city will ever grow & prosper past the point they are today without welcoming new citizens not only physically into their neighborhoods, and into the community and church families.

Regardless how many families come and are shunned they will eventually move on in the same numbers or even more.

For every family and community has both sincere and insincere folks whom they call their own.

Those whose hearts are pure but were born within a thorny city among hateful tit-tat chatter boxes who love not...
Eventually these too will choose to move onto a better place where they will not be embarrassed by their previous associations whether blood or geographic.

No they will follow the lead of those who come full of life seeking to bless an entire community when they first arrived...but refuse to live an entire life time among grumblers and wishy -washy complainers.

As Joyce Meyer has taught over the can choose to complain and remain and go around and around a same old mountain of a pill.
Or you & I and each of us can reach out and beyond our circumstances for another new dream...when others fight to long and hard resisting thy kindness and blessing...
As Jesus said:  "Shake of their dust and move on..."

Such cities will never grow but as Sodom & Gomorrah will be your town or city who shuns the hearts who of those who enter bearing kindness and generosity of their grateful loving hearts...
Such a town or city will never grow but die  from their own choices....their own deception...

The fruit never falls far from the tree and the selfish resentful hearts wither and never blossom but rather their self-righteousness they fatten and fluff and spread as an eagle spreads its wings...
Then they go around time gloating convincing themselves and each other that they together did a good thing.

Mr & Mrs William Gustavson
PO BOX 1144
Ponchatoula, LA  70454

Monday, June 24, 2013

: 2 men sue Chicago archdiocese, allege priest molested them in ’60s - Chicago Sun-Times and this priest is consecrating Holy Mass now in Louisiana: Diocese of Chicago has lied!

Date: Mon, Jun 24, 2013 at 5:38 AM
Subject: 2 men sue Chicago archdiocese, allege priest molested them in '60s - Chicago Sun-Times

Wake up Catholics of America!! Our Bishops have been lieing all along!  Be careful to discern before you learn and copy-cat what your Pastor or Parish priest says & does today...not all are priestly but merely in priests clothing.

This priest has not been stripped of his priesthood but has been consecrating Holy Masses but not in a Holy Way at least since  August 20, 2012   when he after asking for Sacramental anointing for my blood pressure...he ridiculed me for genuflecting. His Words: "You are to never genuflect to the host. (He failed to say to Jesus) You are no longer a slave but a friend and friends don't ever genuflect to friends they shake hands! " as he motioned with his arms and hands. And on Thursday of last week June 20, 2013 as I genuflected to receive Our Lord's Body from him once again, he holding Our Lord between his thumb and forefinger, raised that same hand back clenching his fist grimacing his face in anger at me as if he would punch me in the mouth & knock my teeth out. But I still opened my mouth anyway to receive my Lord upon my tongue. I heard my Lord say several things as I went down in genuflection "Though you walk in this valley of death fear no evil not even this man though he is in priests clothing. "

 He was not gentle as most priests & Eucharistic Ministers as he "Msgr Baranowski who these call Belinsky"...placed Him (to this priest out of his own mouth calls it a host...not The Lord). Wake uo Catholics across USA your Bishops are lieing to you. Most of these they say have been stripped of their priesthood have not, they are just moved and introduced to a new community of potential vicims with a name change. This evil man actually told me "I am a psychiatrist BARANOWSKI .and if I were still practicing you would be.....his pride could not hide behind his name change and when he layed hands on my head to administer the sacrament of the sick he did so lustfully. Sad that not only was it a good thing I was with my husband then...that in today's world some women cannot even go to Holy Mass without the threat of pedophile priests after them

I thought you'd like this:
Read This

2 men sue Chicago archdiocese, allege priest molested them in '60s - Chicago Sun-Times
Two men are suing the Chicago Archdiocese and a former priest, claiming he molested them during unsupervised overnight trips more than 50 years ago. The plaintiffs — now both in their mid-60s — say they met then-priest Alexander Sylvester Baranowski when they were students at St. Wenceslaus grammar school in Chicago.

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Thursday, April 4, 2013

A Warning To Everyone For When You Open New Online Accounts....Humorous Consequences That Can Make For More Dangerous Circumstances If Not Caught or Corrected...

Anyone who has known my husband William and I for any length of time know that for my first 49 years of iife that I had physical tunnel vision for real!!   Yes REALLY!
That I only saw a small portion of any one's faces at a time, and that I was raised as a sighted child because my parents would not acknowledge my challenges for they were ashamed of "who or what I was."
And that on the Feast of the Holy Family 2009 I received a Eucharistic MIRACLE in my eyes and have enjoyed given thanks & praise for nearly three and a half years of landscapes and full length drapes!
So I have done some amazing things for someone who literally at times could not see what was under her ow nose!
I graduated from Grace King High School without ever having read much with understanding.
To satisfy my mother I sat on my bed for hours just every once in a while turning a page....
But since what was printed in those books made no sense to me and I could not see...
That time was not wasted... for in my heart I was not in a chair at a desk nor was I lounged on my bed reading...
I was conversing with my Lord my God and your God...
I would ask HIM to fill my heart and mind with whatever I needed to stay safe at home, school or on the school bus...
Walking down hills or through my neighborhood.
A friend who I had not been in touch with for quite some time sent me an invite to open a "  LinkedIN " account.
Happy to hear from her I did just that thinking I could take my time that there would be no hurry to build a resume for myself and at a future date possibly this could help me grow a licensed business with  income doing what I enjoy the embroidery, crochet and writing.
But what happened was as I opened this "Linked IN " account, I was interrupted.
And as always, I embraced my interruption... as you do too... 
Took care of whatever it was my husband need that time....
I do my share of asking him questions that too for him are not at the best timing...
It happens in all marriages in all kinds of friendships...
There is no fault placing here...  No anger or frustration but rather jovial laughter and entertainment...
Life is much easier when one can laugh at and with themselves...
But what happened since I did not stay with the program as I first began opening this Linked IN account was it automatically sent invitations to everyone who I ever wrote an email to from the first date I opened this email address.   And not only to these who I possibly only wrote once ever, some were business inquires that I never thought about again in over 5 years.
Other auto invitations went to folks who I never wrote but their email address was attached to one of those cutesy poems with pictures many just keep forwarding and forwarding over and over...certainly none of these I ever thought would one day show up as "CONNECTIONS"
And since I at times post to my blogs not signed into blogger but from my email as I am doing now...
Linked IN posted connection requests to my blogs for about a 5th time last night.
So instead of going into Blogger and removing those comical posts  "MrsStephanie............invites you to CONNECT"  from my blogs...
I am leaving Linked IN right there...
Instead I will post this on all of them...
And make a game of it...
But it could have serious consequence when an unsent invite is accepted by someone who is worse than unpleasant.
I HAVE CUT OF several CONNECTIONS....some without any explanation.
Check your email contact list for many email systems save all information as your potential contacts even though you do not routinely write email to them nor they to you.
And you can possibly also have your account hacked into through these odd seemingly insignificant addresses that seem not worth even giving time to DELETE!
But do it!  DELETE DELETE!
And when you open new accounts do not let systems access your contact lists, manually type the ones you want to communicate with the new account and you will have fewer headaches of             SPAM JAMS...
And you will not have to check your new account more often than you would have liked to to make certain you have no spying new connections...that maybe unsafe for you...
As happened to me!
But the Lord will always keep us free indeed with out needs HE cannot nor will not meet...
And when the devil does raise his head....
Whether a cyber spyer...a marriage divider...or simply folks who some how did not learn or remember from Kindergarten how to introduce themselves and ask others their names....
I guess till Jesus comes back there will be those who try to force themselves upon others instead..
When anyone is rude, crude, or  speaks with forked tongue...
Remember our Lord said to cut off the hand that causes us to sin...
Don't you wish that it was as easy to get rid of all of pushing or clicking a DELETE BUTTON!

Mr & Mrs William Gustavson
PO BOX 1144
Ponchatoula, LA  70454

Tuesday, February 12, 2013

Praying For An Ungodly Father or Mother Full Fills The Commandment To Honor Thy Father & Mother

The Lord Himself told us to cut off the hand that causes us to sin.

In today's Holy Gospel we were instructed to honor they father & mother.

But the sons & daughters of those who themselves have rejected God's law
and has chosen their own self-righteous ways...
If they copy cat their mothers & fathers sins...they too will suffer even
greater pain than their mothers and fathers did.

There comes a time when a young man and & sister must choose
whether they will follow their parents poor life style choices and
Choose the better way as Simon Peter & his fishermen business partners in
this past weekend's gospel readings after being overwhelmed by the sizable
catch after working and toiling all night catching nothing....

Dropped the nets just one more time Because Jesus said to....

Let us respond just as readily & quickly to the call of Jesus to our
Let us not allow the evil choices of even our mothers & fathers...those of
us unfortunate to have parents who lead lives that are not pure in any
way....  whether language is vulgar, or yell violently...or are sexually
active with many who are not their own husbands or wives...or if they dress
in tight clothing, or show off that which only their own spouse should see.

Sin is sin...and do not let yourself distinguish between sins that "aren't
so bad" and others.  Sin is sin....and only the pure will spend eternity
with Almighty God.

So set limitations on those you love who refuse to follow Jesus...that you
may enjoy HIS best and eternity with HIM....we can lead our own mothers &
fathers with our choices!

Amen Amen Amen and Alleluia!